Edgars Youth Programme (EYP) is a Ugandan soccer service organization which uses soccer and soccer related activities to get children out of vulnerable situations. We started off in 2004, with three (3) soccer players, a few balls and a dream to guide young players so that they would not make the same mistakes we made.
Today, Edgars Youth Programme has established an office on plot 654 Albert Cook Road adjacent to Total Mengo Star service station. One day we hope to open our own training center where we can accommodate the talented youths as well.
Our vision is to be the best youth organization in Africa; we will do this by enrolling young people and step by step build them into professionals.
We believe that;
- Every child should be given an opportunity to play soccer.
- Sports can develop and improve personalities and social skills.
At Edgars we value CLOBT: Care, Love, Order, Best of Ability, Time
Contact Us:
Telephone:- 0772667780 | 0702667780
Email:- coach@edgarsyouthprog.org
Facebook:- Edgars Youth Programme
Twitter:- @Edgarsyouth
Instagram:- EdgarsYouth
Flickr:- Edgars Youth Programme
You tube:- Edgars Youth Programme