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Safeguarding Session at Edgars Youth Programme: Ensuring a Safe Environment for Our Youth

Earlier today (Tuesday 23rd July 2024), all staff members at Edgars Youth Programme (EYP) participated in a critical safeguarding session held at the office in Mengo. We were honored to have safeguarding experts Rwego Ivan and Sekabira Kennedy facilitate this session, sharing their extensive knowledge and experience. The presence of our entire staff underscored our […]

Join This term’s Exciting Holiday Soccer Training Program

Are your children passionate about soccer? Looking for a fun and enriching activity for them during the upcoming school holidays? Look no further than Edgars Youth Programme (EYP)’s Holiday Soccer Training Program! Program Details: Our expert coaches will provide top-notch training covering essential skills, techniques, and strategies tailored for children aged 3 to 17 years. […]

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