EYP Director Identifies Exceptional Talent

EYP Director Identifies Exceptional Talent

Amos Nyakuni Ayikobua, 16 years, an attacking midfielder from Arua was found playing at a certain futsal court but since then he caught attention of the keen ex international to the point of no doubt.

Highly regarded by coaches and players alike, his standing in the day’s squad was highlighted further when he was handed the sole responsibility to command the striking line and was deservedly named by his teammates as the next generation Lionel Messi.

Amos (R) receives his gift from EYP director Dan Mubiru

It was during the 2019 London Tournament when Edgars Youth Programme youngsters were in action in their annual international soccer trip that one of the directors, Dan Mubiru, met International futsal referee Mary Frances Byrne and had a chat about player development. She further availed to him fifty pounds to buy a pair of boots and shin guards to be given a Ugandan exceptionally talented young player in need.

“You never know maybe that pair of football boots could produce the next world Class Referee, or that pair of football boots and shin pads could produce the next world class football player!” Said Mary Frances Byrne in one of her extensive chats with the director.

Mary Frances Byrne – International Futsal Referee

Since then, Dan has been eyes wide to spot a player of such countenance not until when he landed on this hidden treasure.

And now to empower and help him see his dream, the director has handed him an incredible pair of playing boots that are a thing of absolute beauty.

Amos (C), his coach (L) and Dan Mubiru pause for a photo after the giveaway.

“I am so blessed and excited to receive such beautiful gifts. I will use them to drive closer to my dream of playing in European league.” revealed Amos after fitting on his new equipment.


  • Hi Amos,
    Play fairly, safely, always be part of a Team and accept the Referees decisions.
    Onwards and upwards,
    Let’s hope there are some magic in those football boots. !!!
    Thanks a bunch Dan.
    Yours in Sports and Play on,
    Mary Frances Byrne..

    Mary Frances Byrne Reply
  • Thanks so much Mary and Dan.

    Mike Lester BaliBali Reply

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